Tag Archives: men’s chest

Men’s Chest Laser Hair Removal, First Session – Yes It Hurts Like Hell

So I decided to get my chest lasered. After doing a lot of research on the internet about laser hair removal, male laser hair removal and the such, I thought it was time to put my money where my mouth is and go for some male chest laser hair removal. Where did I go, I went to Laser Hair Centre in southwest Calgary.

First the good news. Laser Hair Centre did a great job. Gwenn Molnar is an amazing technician, actually she is an RN, who really understands the process. She was pretty blunt with me, laser hair removal on a man’s chest hurts – plain and simple. In fact, as we were going through the process she even mentioned that women’s private parts are not as sensitive as a male’s chest. Throughout the process, she indicated I was doing well, but there was a few times I was really hoping it would be finished.

The bad news, as you probably have already guessed, is that the first treatment on my chest hair was no picnic. It hurt – it actually really fucking hurt. Throughout the procedure I kept thinking, how do so many women and men remove their genital hair and actually stand it. Gwenn informed me that the skin around the genital hair is actually not as sensitive as a man’s chest, which gave me some comfort in thinking that my pain was worth it.

I was happy when the procedure was completed. I left the office with my chest on fire, super red and feeling like – “what the hell did I just do”. For the next couple of days, my chest hurt. When I showered it hurt. It was red. It looked liked somebody flicked thousands of elastic bands on my chest just for fun. I really contemplated – why the fu&k did I do this. After about a week, the redness subsided. The pain went away. And soon my chest felt like it has never felt before – smooth.

The results are actually pretty amazing, laser hair removal on the chest works – it really does. After the first treatment, the results are incredible. However, is their pain? Yes there is. Don’t let anybody tell you differently, this hurts. That said, the pain is not unbearable. As I stated it hurts and you wish it would stop, but you can get through it. Once you do, depending on your skin, like me you may feel like sh&t for a few days and your skin may look like a war zone. In my case, this all went away and the results are really good.

So … if you can tolerate some pain, some discomfort for a few days, and are committed to having a smooth chest, this is a first person opinion, it is worth it. It does work. This is the first treatment. The second treatment is coming in August, so I will keep you posted on the results.