Why I Choose to Get Hairless

This past week a friend of mine had the courage to finally ask me, “do you remove all your body hair?” I say courage because we have been going to the gym together for years and I figured he noticed but never brought it up. I guess curiosity finally got the cat.

To answer his question, I casually told him, yes I have pretty much lasered my whole body. He didn’t seem phased by it, rather he asked, “why”. I told him I prefer it that way. He was cool with the answer and the conversation stopped there.

That said, as I reflected on the discussion, I was thinking to myself, why did I spend years shaving and ultimately thousands of dollar on laser hair removal. I came up with 3 answers:

1) I prefer it

Ever since I started growing pubic hair, I shaved it off. I simply prefer to be hairless. Nothing beats the feeling, as far as I am concerned.

2) Its more comfortable

I prefer the comfort of not having body hair. When I wear clothes, I like the feel of my body better under the clothes, when I sweat I find not having body hair easier to manage and when I have to go in for needles (unfortunately I get a lot of them) not having any body hair makes the removal of band aids much easier.

3) I got addicted to removing my body hair

I started removing only my armpit and pubic hair and that eventually led to legs, arms, chest, back, buttocks, feet, etc. I hear that when people start with tattoos that you can get addicted to it, well in my case, hair removal become an addiction. I couldn’t stop when I started.

Point #3 is my only word of caution. If you start you may not finish until it is all gone. Just saying.

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