I came across the following research document from 2017. You can read the full report which is located here. Below are some highlights from this report.
The conclusion of this report: Most Brazilian women and men prefer the complete removal of female pubic hair, especially those who are younger andmore sexually active.Women who are satisfied with the appearance of their own genitalia have a stronger preference for complete removal of pubic hair.
What I found surprising about this report was the sample size. The report had 69,920 subjects (52,787 women and 17,133 men) who provided feedback.The mean age was 31.9 years for men, and 28.5 years for women.
It was almost equal between women (64.3%) and men (62.2%) who preferred complete removal of female pubic hair, and this preference was more pronounced in younger women and men.

The study even looked at the preference of women/men who considered themselves heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or other. Pretty even among all groups, doesn’t seem that sexual orientation has much to do with preference.

Lastly, the question of what method women use. I figured shaving would be first, but waxing is with laser hair removal coming in third place.

In case the links to the article stop working, here is a direct link to the pdf below.